The MIT Office of Educational Innovation and Technology works with faculty, staff and students to enable and promote the development and dissemination of innovative uses of technology in teaching and learning. This work leverages MIT’s strengths and experience in technology-enabled and online education, as well as world-class programs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) areas.
This site was initially developed to demonstrate the possibilities of using online education to provide capacity building in Pakistan’s Online Teacher Education program through the creation of high quality and scalable online and blended teacher education courses.
Two professional development courses are currently available:
Best Practices
The Best Practices for Teaching and Learning course examines the important findings on the nature of student learning and teaching that promote student understanding and demonstrate how teachers can incorporate these findings in their courses to increase learning. This course is designed for participants with a variety of interests, backgrounds and career goals, with an emphasis on the teaching of science, technology, engineering and math fields. This course consists of 5 online sessions; each session will consist of video lectures (typically about 45 minutes), pre-assignment readings, forum discussions and weekly assignments.
This online training module provides educators with the expertise needed to integrate Mathlets and the pedagogy surrounding them in their own teaching. This self-paced online course should take participants approximately 4 hours to complete. This course examines what Mathlets are and how they can be used in lectures or demonstrations, as part of group exploration, and as the basis for homework assignments. Each presentation on the use of Mathlets in the different contexts is followed by the instructor’s thoughts, experiences, and recommendations regarding the use of Mathlets within that context.